Wednesday, 22 February 2012

6 New QCs, but 'in practice' only 5...

Well it looks despite 6 new Queen's Counsel appointments, Gibraltar will only actually benefit from having 5 of them in practice for the next 4 years.

The six new appointments are:
  • Robert Vasquez
  • Mark Isola
  • Keith Azopardi
  • Gilbert Licudi
  • Michael Llamas
  • Gillian Guzman
As a small place, it is only natural that many of thouse active in their own professional spheres are also active and prominant members of the comunity in many others, including politics.

Robert Vasquez has been increasingly politically active, almost putting his name forward on the ballot paper at the last general election, and Keith Azopardi led a full slate offering of the PDP.

This however takes us on to Gilbert Licudi.

While it is one thing to practice while being a member of Her Majesty's opposition in Gibraltar, it would be quite another to do so while sitting on the government benches in parliament. And that is exactly where Mr Licudi now finds himelf as Minister for Justice. As such we will have to wait at least another 4 years before we see Mr Licudi practicing in his silk.

Thouse thinking this results in us 'loosing' a QC can comfort themselves that, as new Leader of the Opposition, Peter Caruana QC might be again able to practice?