Sunday, 19 July 2009

Trilateral Topics

With the next ministerial level round of the Trilateral Forum of Dialogue - involving the 3 governments of Spain, the UK and Gibraltar - due to meet in Gibraltar on Tuesday, lets review the 6 topics currently with the forum for agreement.

The six topics were confirmed at the last ministerial meeting in London (2nd July 2008) confirming the initial list released following a technical party meeting earlier in the year in Gibraltar.

1. Co-operation on the environment

2. Maritime communications

3. Judicial, customs and police co-operation

4. Financial Services and Taxation

5. Visa related Issues

6. Education

In the pervious forum agreements, Spanish acceptance of Gibraltar's ITU assigned international-direct dial country code (+350) and the lifting of air restrictions was essentially bought with payment of undue up-rated pensions to Spanish former cross border workers who were with drawn by General Franco.

However, it is less clear on these topics where the payment could be made to Spain. Especially since, areas 3 & 4, despite being what Spain will portray as 'breakthroughs' for her, is exactly what Gibraltar has been seeking from Spain for years.

Are we going to see the first fair unquestionable win-win agreement? And will the financial services cooperation be portrayed incorrectly in the Spanish press as being a change from Gibraltar? (despite it being what we've been seeking and offering for years!)